Ready for real training?

Whether we’re your first choice or a last resort, Koru K9 will ensure that your canine companion is the perfect addition to your pack.

My husband and I consider ourselves to be pretty experienced with dogs. We are on dog number five, and number five is where we were stumped. Hank is a rescue we adopted at 12 weeks, outside of Fresno. He was scared from the start but by 6-7 months, we started experiencing serious issues with his fear of strangers and over-excitement with other dogs on-leash. We signed up for 7 sessions with Sierra and we could not be more satisfied. We learned SO much about dog behavior and Hank’s needs in particular. We made huge changes and some very minor changes – everything she taught us or suggested had positive results. It takes work and time but with consistency Hank has come nearly full circle and even if he has his moments, at least we understand what to do to help him. Sierra tailored our sessions for the dog park, our home, our neighborhood walks and we were able to space the sessions out to benefit everyone the most. After a few meetings with Sierra I jokingly told my husband that I wished we could just have Sierra on retainer indefinitely. Little did I know she’d still be checking in on Hank months after our last session. I cannot speak more highly of our experience and outcome with Sierra and Koru k9.